FITC 2005 Presentations - Motion For Designers
Motion For Designers
Erik Falat - []
FITC 2005
-> DeepPlayTV
Allied Works Architecture-> New Allied site
nab becomes content breaking down the separation
Bonfire Snowboarding (Older site)
Incorporated AE for rollover nav
3 ways of navigation
Provide many roots and avenues
Going live currently-> Motion graphics and industrial design will drive future design in Flash
They did Contemporary Art Museum STL
Very little copy
Motion experience
Projects are represented as glyphs
Very simple graphical navigation
Nice bold text shows first then copy fades in
Nice template for work showcase (NG?)
Easing scrubber in video section (Very nice) as you slide it eases into place
Interactive was originally based in print-> David Carson
Old questions ::
How will it look?
How does it work?
New questions ::
How will the user experience the site?
"Intuition is the instrument of invention"-> Everything is shifting more towards interactive
Motion graphics are a way to tap those resources
The hardware is shifting as well towards traditional computers-> Seamless integration into Flash is much better than component usage
"Current components are a good first take"-> Interactive will penetrate all mediums
No longer just Websites-> Matt Owens
Re-uses assets across multiple platforms-> ResFest
Uses AE
Elements recurring on multiple platforms
2 day motion graphics digital film festival-> After Effects
By design segments
Example clip uses photoshop, AE, and a Nikon digital cam
Syndrome studios
Could almost all be done in Flash
Narrative structure
Utilitize that kind of production quality and integrate it into interactive and give use control over it
Possibility of using more AE effects in Flash
Export direct to swf-> Industrial Design
Currently bandwidth will be a bit large
The bridge between video editing and Flash is getting thinner and thinner
Heuristics-> Practical advice
Adhering to conventions to make everyone learn something will not work
You cannot take one definition of what is usable and apply it to everything
Learning through interaction (Heuristics)
The Magic 8 Ball
It informs you at every step of the way that it interacts with you
You can infer something about what is inside of it
Might feel or see the window
You would infer that something is inside and you will want to see it (curious)
Point it up at yourself and you see the message
Don Norman analogy to explain heuristics
Navigation and content does not need to be limited
"Users CAN learn"
Motion in Flash is too easy to be learned the wrong way
Stupid intros
Do not use the properties of Flash without providing information to the user
Do not use sounds for no reason
Start checking out video motion graphics stuff
Get started in video editing
Use sound discreetly
See & Hear (only have access to 2 senses) on the Internet
Use Zigos Tween class (very easy to use)
or Transitions
Zigos is so fast and so smooth better to use
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