FITC 2005 Presentations - Presstube.Com
James Paterson - []
FITC 2005
-> All music from his site is created by K-RAD
-> Started as a personal portfolio with others to showcase printwork
Evolved into digital ambient animation-> Arrangement engines
DVD coming out soon check site
Export clips into AE-> Builds drawing viewer machines
All of his work is scanned in and stored in the Flash library streamlined and vectorized
Organized chronologically
In AS-> Starts with paper drawings
Start animating the best drawings sketched in from a wacom tablet-> Tempo recorder
Breaks it apart into little tiny pieces
Then take each part and animate it in and out in an interesting sort of way
Add them all together and you have these intersecting animations coming together as a whole
Broken apart into little "nugs"
Store the pieces separately so they can be used apart
Then make additional libraries with "tracking" or motion guides
Multiple layers of animations
Also uses similar generative machines to create static images for prints
Makes full cycle from print to digital and back to static
Will animate "nugs" also
How fast he moves his hands records the animation-> Doesn't put commercial work on presstube
Then he can add this tempo recording to control his animations
Nice speed controller
Arrangers (tools) used to quickly and easily create work for clients
Spacebar generation
By clients looking only at presstube work then the commercial work is only one generation away from his own personal work-> Rhonda
VH1 bumpers
Fully 3d drawing tool
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