FITC 2005 Presentations - Breath of Complexity
Breath of Complexity
Jared Tarbell - []
FITC 2005
-> Iteration / Combination / Feedback
Some things that seem simple are really very complex (like taking a breath)
GOAL :: Simple code with complex results
You can use Flash and Processing together
Rapid application development
Processing is bitmap based and Flash is vector based
Z is built into processing so if you set something to a z value it will snap into 3d mode
-> Iteration
Look up binary ring code from Website-> Combination
Must apply friction apply 90% of it's old value and add friction
With Processing you can repeat this 10000 times to make print images of background images
TRICK :: Mirror the left side or bottom to the right or top thus providing symmetry which the user will react to in a more emotive way
Humans are always trying to find symmetry in things
All source code and notes with be available on his Website
Instantiate on a delayed rate
Some things can simply exist as a tween not everything has to be drawn by code only in Flash
Look up "Lorenz Attractor"
Look up "Henon Phase"
Take colors from natural photographs, put pixels down at 20% or 40% opacity for a more natural look
Knock colors down to a 32 color GIF and use Processing to sample the colors from that
You can download his takeColor method from his Website for Processing
A fractal is an attractor
Took his fastest computer 6 days to render the Buddhabrot fractal
Substrate - grow until you hit another line and then stop and grow perpendicular to another line
Put things together in every possible way you can-> Feedback
The origin of memory
Take the state of something and feed it back unto itself
He generates archival prints on
Simple Binary Network
You can rotate a large mc and place icons within it to create a ring effect
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