FITC 2005 Presentations - Information Visualization
Information Visualization
Branden Hall - []
FITC 2005
-> Machine Creation to design layouts
-> Genetic algorithms
Apply "evolution" to code-> Represent code in tree form
You can "breed" for the qualities you want
Create an initial random population of organisms
Simple data structure (Array)-> Computer knows "pretty" from "ugly"
Handle crossover and mutation
Use split and splice etc. to form crossovers
How do we teach it?-> Neural Networks
Self-similarity (Fractal)
Computers are quite good at figuring this out
Individual nodes do not make sense but the "whole" does-> Nurture NET
Perseptron based back propogation network
Old neural network
Flash first to generate output-> L-Systems
Feeds output into Python neuralNet
Used to represent how some natural organisms grow-> Zen of Code Optimization (Book Link)
String replacement
Set up replacement rules and run for each generation
He mentions a MIDI L-System music generator from the 80s
The author wrote the Quake engine-> Look up L-System rendered on his Blog
Flash is so removed from the CPU you have to be "smarter" to optimize speed (ah look at that finally Flash programmers are "smarter" :)
-> Notes will be posted here
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