FITC 2005 Presentations - Keynote
Mike Downey & Mike Chambers
FITC 2005
-> Nectarine animation OMG :)
-> Flash video / mobile / future of flash
-> Adoption curve (faster adoption each version)
-> Basement Factory (Toyota site) Flash developers
Dynamic audio-> TJ MAXX
Majesta brand
Music changes based on user interaction
Adds instruments with each addition to car
EQ expands with each audio add as well
Allows download of file after creation
Shopping Cart Flash app-> Mappr (Flikr based app)
HTML for rest of site but flash for cart
No page refesh
Accordian pane
Flex application
"Web design agency Molecular developed the single-screen checkout function on the Macromedia Flex platform. Molecular spent six months researching the causes of cart abandonment and another six months developing the application, which sells (including customization and integration) for about $300,000."
Ties image search to geographic location-> NY Times
Position Map ???
Uses open Web Services
Interactive app for services in Vatican City-> Video on the Web
Look at his history and travels
Created a template that allows reporters to manage and create content without the developers input
Users currently have to "solve a puzzle" to decide download type-> CNET uses Flash video for features
Look into slide effect on homepage-> Odopod in SF
Is it like b-page? (Flash)
CNET uses Web Services
Red Bull Air Race-> Pennsylvania tourism office
Uses Flash video
Nice 3D integration
Progressive download of an flv
Race uses 7 simul streams synched together using FlashCom
Switch camera angles on the fly
Dynamic bandwidth adjustment so user does not have to worry about it
Server does this for you (for free)
Groundhog chasing it's shadow vid (funny)-> Adidas eCommerce
One episode per week
All up online now
Use video of models to show off products instead of static bitmap-> "Play means play" (no "choose connection speed")
Video is totally integrated into the site
-> Mobile
Non-Flash devices-> IndiaGames Mobile games
Car navigation devices
Nokia & Samsung liscensed Flash tech
Finally have hardware in the states with the Flash player pre-installed
-> Justin Everett Church won best FlashLite content last Nov.
Traffic App-> Samsung in South Korea has entire user interface in Flash
Live dynamic traffic data and image
FlashLite exchange to download content up online now
-> The Future of Flash
-> Mike Chambers (Maelstrom demo FP8)
In Alpha stage-> Bigspaceship example (No URL)
Improved rendering
Expressive creative focus
Blending modes and blurred filters
Gives the effect of depth (Grant Skinner's amazing demo)
Dynamic candle flame looks like bitmap but all filtered vector (Peter Hall)
**** Shit!
Bitmap caching tells the player that the vector objects are actually bitmaps which Flash can draw much much faster
Drop shadows / Blurs / Bevels
No 3D this release :(
Works on animated objects and can be applied to any asset in Flash including video
Blur video on the fly
Color matrix control on video as well as any other assets
Convolution effects as well
Text (Saffron software)
Renders the text incredibly well
Much much clearer type
Alpha channel (8 bit) support fot video
Overlay video on top of video
Amazing alpha support-> Great new codec with much better quality for video
-> 8-Ball
Document classes shown in prop inspector
Filters panel in prop as well
Library drop down menu in panel
Improved library workflow
Panels allow pinning to fla file
Panel management now consistent with DW and FW (tabbed panels)
Panel groups can be named
Control caps and join in prop inspector with drawing tools stroke
Gradient support on a stroke
Toggle object drawing which allows shapes to be drawn on the same layer without taking a bite out of one another
Add filters in the authoring environment as well as through code
Stack multiple filters
Even input text fields can be filtered
Hide object but leave filter on objects (he made a quick wicked animated reflection of an animated dog)
Save filter stacks as a preset to use even in other files
Blend modes for mcs :)
Under color effect panel there is now a blend mode drop down (Hard Light, etc.) all dynamic
None of this adds any filesize to the file
All built into the player
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